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Pella Canned Chicken

Pella Canned Chicken
SKU: SF108
Weight: 1.00 lb
Average 5 stars out of 5 rating

A customer favorite because of their convenience, no-refrigerated shelf life and no added preservatives. Fully cooked chicken with broth that is ready to heat and heat! Be sure to try it with your favorite homemade noodles for soup or casserole.

5 stars out of 5 rating
 Donna Stafford
Bought this before from my hometown Bakery who carries Iowa products. Good chicken, tender with broth & some of it's own fat for flavor. Good in stews or casseroles, curries.

Would you recommend to a friend?   Yes

What is the expiration date of an unopened can? In other words , how long would you want your mother to store it on her shelf? Thank you !!!

Interpret dates as follows:

First digit represents product inside:
B=Beef, C=Chicken, etc.

Second digit represents year of production:
Specifically the last digit of the year it was produced, 9-2019, 0-2020, 1-2021, 2-2022, etc.

Third-Fifth digits represent the Julian date of production:
032-32nd day of the year, 293-293rd day of the year.

Expiration is typically five years past this date, with the ability to be beyond that based on storage and keeping the cans in clean and safe conditions.

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